Tuesday, November 20, 2007

First few days with an iPhone

After just a few hours with my new iPhone I was ready to return it. I'm going to keep it a little longer and see if it grows on me. I've been very happy using os/x and my ipod so it is hard to understand how Apple managed to miss the mark so badly with the iPhone. I haven't hacked mine yet as I'm trying to get used to using it as is before I move forward with hacking it.

My biggest issue with the iphone is the lack of some kind of speed dialing that doesn't involve looking at the screen. Phones have had both voice dialing and speed dialing from the keypad built in for years, it should have been a no brainer to include it in the iPhone. It is near impossible and actually dangerous to make calls on the phone while driving since you have to actually read the screen to use any of the dialing modes. It's bad enough messing around with a device in your hand while driving, add taking your eyes off the road at the same time and you are inviting disaster.

It seems the internet capable native apps either crash or exit on a regular basis. This is irritating, but not a major annoyance. Hopefully they will get this fixed soon though as having several pages open in safari then losing them and having to start over renders the internet apps almost useless.

There are some other minor annoyances, but I do enjoy using mobile safari, when it doesn't crash. It renders well built standards compliant web pages very well. Hopefully the iPhone will help push developers to build better quality web sites and web apps. The mail client works great, though it can go several hours without alerting me to new mail and navigating between several imap accounts can be a bit of a pain.

I'm going to give the iPhone another week before I take it back and get a blackberry or something else. Unfortunately I don't think there is a phone out there that does everything I think today's phones should be capable of. No matter what phone I wind up with I'm going to have to compromise.

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