Wednesday, September 23, 2009

getting going again

Wow, over a year since my last post. When I started this I never planned on posting every day, but over a year is a bit much. I'm going to try to start posting more frequently.

The Dead Goat Breath IPA was very good and I've made a couple of other beers since then. I've even made a Lager similar to Corona for the summer. I think I'm going to stick to Ales for now though, they are a little easier to work with.

I also gave up my iPhone when I was given a Blackberry Storm for work. After almost a year of the Storm I gave in and happily changed to an iPhone 3gs. A lot of the things I didn't like about the original iPhone have been fixed, though there are a few things I wish it did similar to the Blackberry. If I could take one thing from the blackberry and have it on the iPhone it would the be the way it handles messages. Specifically being able to see all of my messages in one place. Messages from all email accounts, the Facebook app, etc...

Speaking of the iPhone I've also been toying with iPhone application development. So far I've only done some simple test apps to see how it works. I have a few ideas for applications to build, now I just need to find some free time to work on them.

Ok, so now that I've filled you in on the information about me you probably don't care about anyway it is time for me to go away and think of some kind of quality content to start posting here.

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