Monday, November 23, 2009

Basic cPanel Server Hardening - Part 2

In Part 1 I explained why securing a server is important and the general steps I would take you through to secure your server. In this installment I will go into detail about installing and configuring a software firewall. A dedicated firewall device can give you added security, but they are often not an option for the small web hosting providers this series is targeted at.

A properly configured firewall is literally a defensive wall between a server and the internet. You can poke small holes in the wall to allow traffic to flow only where you want it to, and you can prevent traffic from specific addresses from accessing the server at all.

I use Advanced Policy Firewall (APF) which makes installation and configuration simple. Execute these commands to download and install it. You may need to change the version number in the third command if APF has been updated.

tar -xzf apf-current.tar.gz
cd apf-9.7-1  # current version number as of this post

Initially APF is configured to block all services except SSH. To enable a service you must open the port the service uses for communication. I like to document which services I have enabled and what ports they use right in the configuration file so I can tell quickly what is and what is not enabled when I need to make changes.

Open the file /etc/apf/conf.apf in a text editor then find the line that sets the allowed TCP inbound ports by searching for IG_TCP_CPORTS. Replace this line with the following:

# Common inbound (ingress) TCP ports
# 20    ftp
# 21    ftp
# 22    ssh
# 25    smtp
# 53    dns
# 80    http
# 110   pop3
# 143   imap
# 443   https
# 465   smtps
# 993   imaps
# 995   pop3s
# 2083  cpanel secure
# 2096  webmail

IG_TCP_CPORTS="20, 21, 22, 25, 53, 80, 110, 143, 443, 465, 993, 995, 2083, 2096"

I have intentionally kept cPanel's WHM interface blocked by the firewall. WHM provides a web interface with control over almost the entire server, so keeping it blocked by the firewall helps reduce the risk to the server. I will show you how your can access it later in this article.

Next find the line that sets the allowed UDP inbound ports by searching for IG_UDP_CPORTS and replace it with the following:

# Common inbound (ingress) UDP ports
# 53    dns


By default the firewall allows all outbound traffic, but it is more secure to restrict outbound traffic as well. To enable outbound filtering find the line EGF="0" and change it to EGF="1". You do not have to allow all the inbound services you defined, once a connection is established two way traffic is allowed. Find the line that sets the allowed TCP outbound ports by searching for EG_TCP_CPORTS and replace it with the following:

# Common outbound (egress) TCP ports
# 21    ftp
# 25    smtp
# 37    rdate
# 43    whois
# 53    dns
# 80    http
# 443   https

EG_TCP_CPORTS="21, 25, 37, 43, 53, 80, 443"

Next find the line that sets the allowed UDP outbound ports by searching for EG_UDP_CPORTS and replace it with the following:

# Common outbound (egress) UDP ports
# 20    ftp
# 21    ftp
# 53    dns
# 123   ntpd

EG_UDP_CPORTS="20, 21, 53, 123"

Now it is time to test the changes to the firewall configuration you have made. To start APF execute the command /etc/init.d/apf restart. By default when you start APF it will only run for about 5 minutes and then shut itself off. This allows you to test your configuration without completely locking yourself out of the server if something is wrong. If you are unable to access your server after starting APF for the first time just wait a few minutes and try again.

When you are done testing your configuration edit the file /etc/apf/allowed_hosts.rules and add your IP address. This tells APF to always allow you full access to the server so you don't get locked out. 

The final configuration change is to switch APF from development mode to production mode. Edit /etc/apf/conf.apf again and change DEVEL_MODE="1" to DEVEL_MODE="0".

If you have followed the instructions in this article you now have a firewall protecting your server. This is just a basic firewall configuration, but it is better than no firewall at all. In the next article I will show you how to detect brute force intrusion attempts and block them using the firewall.

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