Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'd Rather Be There

I'd much rather be sitting by the water on Ocracoke Island. I am naturally drawn to water, especially the ocean. I've been going almost every year since my first trip in 2004. When I am there I spend a lot of time enjoying views like this one. Watching the Windfall make it's regular journeys, the ferries bringing loads of excited tourists to the island and leaving with fully relaxed ones.

For me relaxation is the name of the game on Ocracoke. Sure, I like playing in the water and the great burgers at SMackNally's, but I like sitting on the beach or on my rented deck watching the water just as much. I miss the island as soon as I start heading for the ferry docks to head home. After about 6 months I really start looking forward to my next trip, and if I go more than a year without some island time I become very tempted to get in the Jeep and head east.

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