Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Look for Someone Special's Blog

I recently finished a new look for my wife's blog. She had been using one of the default blogger templates and the look didn't really fit her content. I enjoy amateur photography so when I needed some photos for the design I dug into my personal archive, found some we both liked and went from there. I'm sure a professional graphic designer would have done it differently, but we both like the way it turned out.

I really wish I had more time to put into it though. I haven't done a serious browser test to make sure it looks right in all the major web browsers, there is no print view, and it certainly won't pass HTML or CSS validation. The images aren't optimized either, so it can appear to load slowly some times. In other words, it is far from my best work, but it was fun. When things settle down and I have some free time I'll take the time to clean it up and make it work the way it really should.

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